Class 3 Firearms

Class III firearms and devices include Full Auto, Select Fire Weapons, Short Barrel Rifles with a barrel less than 16″, Short Barrel Shotguns with a barrel less than 18″, Suppressors for rifles or pistols.
We stock SBRs and a wide variety of silencers from numerous manufacturers
in every caliber from 22 to 50 bmg cal.
*New Louisiana Law Allows the Use of Suppressors for Hunting Game*
House Bill 186 was passed and signed by Governor Jindal which allows for the use of lawfully-owned suppressors for hunting game animals. Suppressors help prevent hearing loss, mitigate noise complaints and can increase accuracy for both experienced and novice hunters.
Advanced Armament, Gemtech, Silencerco, Yankee Hill, Surefire, Thunder Beast Arms, Tactical Solutions

Do I need a license to own a Class III weapon or device?
The ATF does not require you to have a license to own a Class III weapon, there is however a $200 transfer tax to be paid on machine guns, suppressors, short barreled rifles and short barreled shotguns, as well as a $5 tax on AOWs (Any Other Weapons). You will need to fill out and submit Form 4 to the ATF, we will assist you in that process.
Do I have to pay this tax annually?
No, this is a one time tax. It is a transfer tax, so it is only charged when the weapon is sold to another person.
What are the requirements for owning a Class III weapon or device?
You have to live in a state where Class III weapons are legal (like Louisiana). You have to be a US citizen and at least 21 years of age. You must never have been convicted of a felony or domestic violence. You must never have been dishonorably discharged from the military. You must never have been adjudicated mentally defective.
How long does it take to get any Class III item after I have paid for it?
Once you have completed your form 4 in duplicate and sent it to BATF BFA Branch, you will be waiting approximately 5-6 months for the paperwork to be approved once it has been received by the ATF. Once it is approved, ATF will send us back one of the approved Form 4’s, and we will call you to come pick up your paperwork and weapon. If you are purchasing a weapon from us and you live out of state, you can add 2 – 4 weeks for the weapon to be transferred to your in-state dealer.
What is a CLEO Signature?
CLEO stands for Chief Law Enforcement Officer. When a Class III firearm transfers to an individual, he or she will need to obtain a signature from their CLEO.
Your CLEO can be one of several different people, depending upon where you live:
Chief of Police of your city if you live in the city limits.
Sheriff of your parish of residence, Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court Judge, Head of the State Police, or anyone that one of the people above has given permission to act on their behalf.
If your CLEO won’t sign off on your Class III device are there other options?
You may start an LLC, Subchapter S Corp, or a Revocable Trust. These do not require a CLEO signature, photos, or fingerprints. You simply send a copy of the articles of incorporation or trust along with the Form 4.
To start an LLC, go to and fill out the information to get your LLC started. You pay a one time fee of $75 to start your LLC and $25 per year thereafter to keep your LLC current. If you do not keep your LLC current you will be in violation of the law when it comes to possession of your Class III item.
Your CLEO can be one of several different people, depending upon where you live:
Chief of Police of your city if you live in the city limits.
Sheriff of your parish of residence, Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit Court Judge, Head of the State Police, or anyone that one of the people above has given permission to act on their behalf.